Are you looking for ways to enhance occupant satisfaction within your buildings? Studies show that people prefer the comforts and pleasures associated with green facilities. Findings reveal higher levels of occupant satisfaction in buildings where green practices are utilized.
Love The Space Around You.
People are making conscious decisions to work, live and invest in properties that are healthier, more comfortable and more environmentally friendly. Statistics show higher occupancy levels among energy efficient buildings which ensures consistent and continual R.O.I. for property owners.
Properly Commissioned Buildings Have Happier Occupants
Existing buildings change over time, and so do the energy conversion, energy delivery, and control systems that are part of building operations. As changes to these systems are made, the buildings lose operating efficiency and become less comfortable places to work. Retro-commissioning of existing buildings can return these buildings to optimal working order, and typically offers quick savings while improving occupant satisfaction.
Occupants Drive Leases and Property Values
Create a competitive advantage by making your building an attractive place for tenants to work. Properly maintained (Sustainability Solutions) and well commissioned buildings (Retro-commissioning) improve comfort levels, and can contribute to a healthier indoor environment. They’re also less expensive to operate, enabling owners to improve their asset values on both the top and bottom line.